Lighting and light

Light is electromagnetic radiation. Visible light is defined as wavelengths in the range of 400–700 nanometres.light spectrum

It effectively stimulates the sight organ during the process of vision. The shorter wavelengths of visible light are adjacent to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, whereas its longer wavelengths border infrared (IR) radiation. Monochromatic radiation with a given wavelength or complex radiation with a specific spectrum within the range of visible radiation produces a certain visual impression,
which is interpreted as the light’s color.

The primary colors are a visual impression caused by visible monochromatic radiation, whereas secondary colors result from a mixture or primary colors, i.e. different wavelengths of
electromagnetic radiation within the range of visible radiation. A special type of secondary color is what is interpreted as white light – ranging from yellowish white (warm tones) to
bluish white (cool tones).


Speed of light in a vacuum is approx. 300 000 km/s.


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